Matha is the dog who have bad face on the world,the competition which held every year and now it attain 29 years since it it introduced.That competition conducted in Petalum at Carlifornia,Matha  won against 13 dogs in a competition and it given award of cash money of 1,500 dolars.Matha is under control of the owner Shirly Zindler have biggest mandible will be transfered to the New Yowk where the competition will be conducted,under the competition also that dog used as entatainment and show for the journalists.That situation will also consist other dogs collected from uncared street dogs.
  Matha was saved previous by Zindler at the street when the owner of that dog don't care for it,she took to hospital where it made surgery and now is okey and see again.From the report state that Matha when it walk on the stage with it's face,feeling and majesty make the judge to give it that award.The competition of finding the dogs with serious bad face now go forward and known world wide.


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