

Maalim Seif  want professor Ibrahim Lipumba to be eliminated from CUF political part of Tanzania.The political part which have alof of members and fans in Zanzibar CUF headed by Maalim Seif Ahmad give a statement of eliminating professor Ibrahim Lipumba from their part,this come after Lipumba seen to misdirect the goals of CUF during the National election.         CUF  now do not need Lipumba to be among the member of this part due to his aim in misdirect that political part. .


Meningitis course the death of 300 peoples in  Nigeria.The statements according to meningitis it spread at various legion more then 16 legion ,other 2000 are probably to have that kind of fever due to the enragement of backbone.Also it said to affects the childrens. .   The speciolist said that this type of disease was coused by type C which is different from normal type,there is no cure for that kind of meningetics although is more rarely but it kill more than 2000 peoples in 4 year ago.


Southern Russia's ship disappeared in Atrantic ocean with 24 peoples,due to the riport from Russian ship company AFP state that two philipian ship driver were saved from Atrantic acean.Uruguay military sever request other countries to help in finding that ship which is known as    Stellar Daisy Freighter  it has   312 metre and have a capacity of carring  260000 tones.    Also South Korea make a request to other countries such as Brazil and Uruguay for help in finding his ship.that ship consist 16 Philipian citizen and 8 South korean citicen .


The result of different matchs which conducted at various ground in English premium league,every club have a chance to be at the top of league.The following are the result of various match. Liverpool-3 vs Everton-1 Burnley-0 vs Tottenham hospur -2 Chelsea-1 vs Crystal Palace-2 Man . United-0 vs West brownich Albion-0 Wattfod-1 vs Sunderland-0 Hullcity-2 vs Westham united-1


English premium league continue to day at various time and different ground.Every club have desire to get three point inorder to be at the good position.The following are the table of English premium league matchs. Burnley vs Tottenham hospurs Chelsea vs Crystal palace Hullcity vs Westham united Leicester city vs Stoke city Man . united vs West brownich Albion Wattfod vs Sunderland Southampton vs AFC Bournemouth


Bayern trie to show how soccer is for Guadiola. The difender of Bayern muniche Raphinha  announce that their club now is fit against any club which come in front of them . they have a confidence an d power to take all cup including league and UEFA league more than the period of Pep Guad . Now Bayern muniche is on the top at Laliga league,also it remain with the quarter fainal  in UEFA "we are supposed to be fit and more intelligent for all match in order to get a lot of champion cup more than at the period of Pep Guadiola "said Raphinha.


Shigongo face to face with Alli . The bussines man and advicer in United republic of Tanzania Eric Shigongo took a chance to advice the Tanzanian musician Alli Kiba toward the succes in which he got,Shigongo met with Alli Kiba in Double Tree hotel found in Masaki Tanzania when he go inorder to take a lunch with his wife , he saw Alli Kiba sit near by his manage he follow and talk with him " the succesfull in which you have is coused by the alot of people near by you so you are required to live with them in peace and trie to share ideal with them,even if you will be out of music you can stay with them and enjoy their value"said Shigongo,he apriciate that Alli Kiba is more clever and influecer .