

Mfalme wa pop duniani hayati Michael Jackson ameichia huzuni familia yake baada ya kufaliki . Lakini kifo chake kimezua sintofahamu duniani kote , mtoto wake Paris ametoa neno juu ya kifo cha baba yake akisema " najua baba yangu hakufa mwenyewe ila ameuliwa , kabla ya kifo chake aliwahi kuniambia kuwa kuna watu wanamtafuta wanataka kumuua " hii inaonesha kuwa kifo cha Michael Jackson kilipangwa ili kuzima ndoto za Mfalme huyo .


A winner is the dreamer who never give up .... my friend do you remember that there are so many people look at you and depend at you , do you remember that if you betray yourself you destroy your life and people around you . Use your time properly because even a second that goes ever come again , do something at a time .Don't waste your time for nothing,make sure you use your time for beneficial ....... Thanks


TEN RULES OF LIFE ... Life is like a beutifull journey but it hold a lot of miserable, ambiguous, sad and torture,it's true that all of those should appear in order to make you strong,brave and hero. In order to make a life happy and easy it 's so simple , follow the following rules you can lean something . (1) Believe to ALLAH : Remember that all your plan and dream of your life are controlled by ALLAH , don't accept the obstacles that you face in your life to make you away from your Lord . Everyday talk with your GOD tell him to be with you in all your life , tell him to take your hand and go with you forever , tell him to give you strength and power to fulfill your dream , tell him to give you bless , light , happy , smile and tolerance for all the hard that you encounter with . Escape from sin because one day you will need help from ALLAH , abbey all the willing


Super star from Tanzania whos play abroad soccer in the club of Berligium RCK GENK Mbana Sammata seen to shine in January month than all of the month that he have played previ ously . M'BWANA sammata is the shine star at the dark place whos show other player to follow his steps . He show the word that Tanzania is among of great country which have a talented people .


President of USA Donald Trump chooses twiter as a way of getting his message.This come after the misunderstanding between him and journalists,he say that"I get very dishonest press and it's my only way that I can counteract". Now the journa list of USA are not supposed to be politicians best friend , this would harm their ability to challenge people in power .


Barce lona Football Club won over Eibar , the combination of MSN it contribute to get 3 point.And now Barc elona move within 2 point at the top of Real Madrid Football club .


Goal of Diego Costal and Gary Cahil ensured Chelsea Football Club moved 8 point clear of Arsenal at the top of Premier League after a hard fought over Hull City