Life is like a beutifull journey but it hold a lot of miserable, ambiguous, sad and torture,it's true that all of those should appear in order to make you strong,brave and hero. In order to make a life happy and easy it's so simple,follow the following rules you can lean something.
(1)Believe to ALLAH:
Remember that all your plan and dream of your life are controlled by ALLAH,don't accept the obstacles that you face in your life to make you away from your Lord.Everyday talk with your GOD tell him to be with you in all your life,tell him to take your hand and go with you forever,tell him to give you strength and power to fulfill your dream,tell him to give you bless,light,happy,smile and tolerance for all the hard that you encounter with.Escape from sin because one day you will need help from ALLAH,abbey all the willing of ALLAH and stay away from sin.This will help your life to be better even there are obstacle and ambiguous,your the winner of your life trie now you can make the world wounderfull.
(2)Believe yourself:
The only way you can win the life is to believe that the one who can make your life best and happy is you.No one can either take or give you happy and sad until you allow him or her to do so,believe that every human born hero so never give up.Believe that you can make something more crucial for you,the time to do is now not tomorrow.Yesterday it remain as history to give overview of your life,today is the gift from GOD the right day to fulfill all your dream,tomorrow is dream no one know it,so stand strong believe yourself you can make something my friend..
(3)Don't compare with other:
You as you no one as you everything you do should come from your heart and approved by your brain.You as a winner anything you done is more important in your life don't compare with others because everyone have it's own life so everything you done don't compare with anyone.The one who can change your life is only you and your decision not anyone different from you,hold your hand together be strong and do something don't care what people talk about you,don't care what people make something better than is you and they are they there is no similar life plan,believe one day yes.
(4)Have a dream:
If you want to winn life you should have a something that you want to accomplish called a dream.Remember the aim of you to be on the world as human being,your required to show the world who are you,it's your time to show the world what talented are you,show your pequirial your miracle until the world wounder about you.Make sure your dream comes true no matter how hard is,no matter what the condition is believe yourself and go ahead even you fall down please stand up continue with your journey until your plan come true.If your dream didn't come true you can make another dream,if you follow your heart make sure you take your brain with it I believe you can make something more crucial under the sun.There are so many new ideal which didn't discovered before now it's your time to discover it,don't say you can't before you trie.Your the winner of your life trie now I believe you can change your life and world at larger.
(5)Fight for what you believe:
There are a lot of challenges and obstacles that you encounter in your life,but don't give up just stand properly and strong fight with it until you winn.Don't lose your dream because of harness that you face in your life,all the obstacle comes in your life in order to make you strong and brave,so don't complain with it just accept it and figtht with it up to the end.Don't believe if there are another one who can change your life,believe yourself that your the director of your life.Change your life now to positive attitude and be a faith that one day everything will be OK.
Happy and sad come from you,change and new ideal come from you,good and bad life come from you..believe yourself and make your dream to come true.stay strong make a plan to fulfill it,I KNOW ONE DAY YOUR DREAM WILL COME TRUE IF NOT TODAY EVEN TOMRROW...make now my friend.


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