

Chimpanzee didn't like music.Research done by England and America show thet  chimpanzee do not like to listen music no matter what kind of music is .That research was done immediately after the some theory which explain that chimpanzee like music most of music liked by chimpanzee was blues.The researcher goes to the park and correct some of chimpanzee and played music of blues and pop but those chimpanzee do not respond or be happy.        According to that research it shows that all kind of chimpanzee don't like to listen music. .


Mauricio Pochettino  disagree to be a manager in   Barcelona .The manager of    Tottenham hospurs  football club  Mauricio  disagree to take the position of   Luis Enrique  who was said to leave at the end of this season .That coach of   Tottenham  make the conversion with the president of   barcelona   Josep   Maria Bortomeu  inorder to take the position of   Luis Enrique ,but statement from media said that he can't teach the big club like   barcelona   but the president of Barcelona believe that Mauricio can take a position of   Enrique .


Pilot die at the air plane before it land. From the report said that one pilot from  American Airline  of   Boeng 737-800 which it travel from   Dallas  to  Albuquerque  in   Mexico.According to the statement from Amelcan airline company said that the pilot die before the plane land after it remain with 3 kilometres to land after announce the emergence from that plan.        This was not first time the similar event to occur in Amelcan airline .


Ronaldo make a deal.The player of Real Madrid  football club and Portugal national team Christian Rinaldo have been maked  a similar image and bounded on the International airport of Portugal .Previous that airport was known as     Madeira now is changed and given the name of    Ronaldo ,but their is contradiction among the leader in Portugal government .


Bastian Schweinsteiger apigwa konzi na Mourho . Kiungo   wa kati katika kikosi cha Mashetani wekundu Manchester United Schweinsteiger ana wakati mgumu katika kikosi hicho baada ya ujio wa kocha Jose Mournho . Nafasi yake   imechukuliwa na kiungo kutoka   Juventus Pogba hivyo kumfanya  asotee benchi.     Wengine wachezaji tisa   wanaweza kutemwa katika klabu hiyo na wengine kuhama kwa mkopo .


Makonda needed by parliament to be interviewed. The mayor of Dar es salaam Tanzania Poul Makonda was needed by the member of Parliament concerning   behavior, law and power  due to the interference the duties of Parliament. .       Member of Parliament now are in the meeting with that Poul Makonda .A lot of member of Parliament say that there are some mayor who interfere the responsibility of Parliament .


Brazil ndio timu ya kwanza kufuzu kombe la   dunia . Timu ya taifa   ya Brazil ndio timu ya kwanza kukata tiketi ya kufuzu kucheza michuano ya kombe la  dunia mwaka 2018 . Brazil ilipata ushindi wa goli tatu kwa bila dhidi ya timu ya taifa   ya Paraguay , katika mchezo huo   mshambuliaji Neymar alionesha kiwango cha juu kuisaidia timu yake   kupata ushindi huo   mnono .    Timu nyingine kama Uruguay na Argentina bado zimekabwa koo zikiwa na hatihati ya kutofuzu michuano hiyo .