Darlan who born with both sex male and female explained his life during the childhood. Darlan born with both sex and he encouraged with a lot of miserable and hard conditions since he born,the society discriminate him neither boys nor girls can love him."During my childhood since I was young I was blaming God a lot not only to creat me with both sex but also to creat me as human being,why can't you take me away from this world I have no choice but to die my fellows boys discriminate me also girls but not enough even societies no one can hear my voice no one can clear my tear no one can stand with me no one can share sadness with me so what the important reasons for me to survival on this world?"said Darlan Rukih.
    The society in which he live together with his mother have a culture to kill all childrens whose born with both sex male and female.His mother protect him and kept safe until he matured,but his mother care him like a boy but when he become matured he developed the external female organs and he got mentruation cycle.His mother took him to the medical doctor and after investigation doctor confirmed that Darlan have two sex but female sex is stronger than male so he supposed to live like a girl if not so he must been added male hormone to resist female one.His mother took a responsible for this and now he is a man,he is musician and he use it to spread message to the societies which kill childrens  whose have two sex.When he was young the boys discriminate him and told him to go to the girl and when he goes to the girls discriminate him and told him to go to the boys,no one need to be his friend even a single moment.


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