The republic of China nowadays it make another step forward in technological application after make a planning to send their citizens to live on the moon.China prepared their learner in the special room which it have the same contion and as the conditions of moon,they live in that special room for about 200 days inorder to have ability of surviving even they go on the moon withought support from the earth.The students from the university of Beihang which deal with the production of specialist in Astronomy they are taken and kept in the special room for the preparation of life to the moon,that was another step done by China for the purpose of showing the America and Russia that now China was developed in technology more than other nations on the world.
     On the moon the waste products on human should be digested and eliminated by other living organism,the vegetables and plantations are kept growth by the waste products. The house on the moon it consists four rooms two room for the uses of human being,one room special for exchanging of waste products and another room for the livestock keeping. China invest a lot of capital for that plan inorder to make steps ahead af biggest countries on the world as America and Russia.


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