Heavy rainfall in various regions at United Republic of Tanzania courses the negative impacts especially in the villages. That effects destroyed a lot of wealth of villagers such as houses,plantations like maize,rice and beans also that hinder the transportation activities from one region to another.
     Some villeger tend to stay outside all over the times inorder to escape the effects coused by that heavy rainfall.The government of Tanzania lose a lot of wealth due to that kind of rainfall, the villager needs rain for the plantations activities as we know normal rainfall is basic need for the normal and best growth of plantations. But when the level of rainfall increase above the normal need it course negative effects for the lives of food plantations, the government of Tanzania lose wealth and it will become insufficient of food nowadays.
      In order to control the effects coused by that kind of rainfall the government of Tanzania should introduce city planning and the villager who live in the valley to shift as soon as possible inorder to stay alive and to protect their wealth as well.


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