The president of North Korea Kim Jang U accepted the request proposed by the president of united state of America to meet face to face inorder to discuss the application of nuclear weapons conducted by north Korea. The ambassador of north Korea in America make a report when he shifted from America to north Korea that the request of the president of united state of America Donald Trump to meet with Kim Jang U it will be accepted but with limitations. North Korea is the country which participate in production and uses of nuclear weapons and make the long transits nuclear bombs, this is against the policies of United Nations (UN).The production of nuclear weapons done by north Korea make a fair by their neighboring nation as south Korea and other nation near by.
    The president of United state of America Donald Trump need a meeting with the president of north Korea after the failure to resist him by force,in several days ago Donald Trump trie to resist the application of production of nuclear weapons in north Korea by forces but he fail and now he need a meeting with Kim Jang U to discus face to face in politely. But according to the report from north Korea media said that Kim Jang U he will accept the meeting but if the conditions and situation will allow him to do so otherwise Je will reject it.


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